Weekly bulletin

order of service


Sunday, August 25th, 2024
Songs of Worship
Jesus Said It
My Testimony
Holy Forever

Prayer Of The Congregation
Tithes & Offering

With His Blood
Scripture Reading: Jsh. 2:8-13, Gal. 3:28
Art T.
Unite Video
Sermon: The God Who Welcomes
Pastor Steve Hoffman
To God Be The Glory
9:30 am Nursery - Reggie S.
11 am Nursery -Reggie S & Susan Z.
Teen Helper -Ja'Riah M.
Children's Sunday School - Rebecca H.
Children's Church - Donna C, Rebecca H.
Christian Buddies - Mikell H.

Bass - Ethan E.
Choir - Debbie S, Diana G, Allanah B, Charlette C, Kim W, Nancy A,
Choir - Ed Gase, Rebecca H, George W, Porter W, Heather H.
Drums - Calvin W.
Piano - Donna W.
Computer - Erin L.
Live Stream - Shani G.
Sound Booth - Mike E.
Greeters - Pat B, Noreen C, Penny R.
Offering Counter - Katrinka S, Chris E.
Ushers - Pat B, Jim J, Gary M.
Security - Gary J.
Scripture Reader - Art T.


MISSIONARY FRIENDS: Erin Laramore has some missionary friends who are here on home assignment and need a lead on a room or basement apartment to rent and a car to borrow. Talk to Erin for questions or to pass on information.

CHRISTMAS CHOIR: There is a sign-up sheet in the Welcome Center for anyone who is interested in being a part of the Christmas Choir this year.

OFFICE HOURS: Starting on August 26th Nicole will be working M, T, F in the office at the normal times of 9:30 to 2:30. On Wednesday, she will be working remote and available by phone and email (513.942.5570 | office@covfairfield.org) from 9:30-2:30.  The office will be closed on Thursday.


NAZ JAZZ CONCERT: Evan will be performing with Naz Jazz on Aug 25th @ 6pm, 7951 Tylersville Rd, West Chester Township, OH 45069. This is a free event; all are welcome to enjoy the concert.  

SECOND SUNDAY LUNCH: September's second Sunday lunch will be a potluck. The church will provide rolls and dessert. Sign-up sheet coming soon!

church merch

CHURCH MERCH:  Check out the new styles we just added! Support the youth and buy a CCC shirt! Click the button below.


Group Messaging

birthdays & anniveraries

1st -Millicent D.
2nd -Darrell S.
10th -Rebecca H.
12th -Steve H, Jim & Penny J.
13th -Ethan E.
14th -Lenny W.
15th -Katrinka S, Don & Jean J.
17th -Lily C.
19th - Kaitlyn T, George & Donna W.
20th - Gary & Holly J.
21st - Susan Z.
22nd - Gary J.
23rd - Charlie & Gloria G.
26th - Ephraim D, Peter & Anna K.
27th - Gary M, Kip & Linnea C.
29th - Ivy H.