sleeping mats
Our church members work together to make sleeping mats for the homeless. We use grocery bags to make plastic yarn that we then weave together to make mats.

good news club
For several years, Covenant has helped run a Good News Club with Child Evangelism Fellowship at Fairfield West Elementary. Through this ministry, we have helped kids know and understand the Gospel.
We have developed a further partnership with the school as we serve students and families by providing for specific financial needs.
We have developed a further partnership with the school as we serve students and families by providing for specific financial needs.

habitat for humanity
In December 2021, Covenant Community Church voted to use our surplus giving to fund a house for Habitat for Humanity. Members of Covenant assisted with the building and the house was completed September 2022.
missionaries we support
The Delps in Ecuador
"We are collaborating with the Covenant Church of
Ecuador to help start medical clinics and homes
for at-risk children. The home and clinic we have
in Cayambe are compassion/outreach ministries
of the Covenant Church of Ecuador at both the
national and local levels. We are committed to
helping children in at-risk situations (i.e., abusive
homes, neglected children, children of alcoholics,
children freed from human trafficking situations,
etc.). We also feel called to connect and share the
love of Jesus with the families of these children in
holistic ministries and to serve as an outreach to
the community through medicine. We are passionate
about sharing Christ and meeting people where they
are, even if that is amid tragedy and hurt. We want
to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of
Ecuador to help start medical clinics and homes
for at-risk children. The home and clinic we have
in Cayambe are compassion/outreach ministries
of the Covenant Church of Ecuador at both the
national and local levels. We are committed to
helping children in at-risk situations (i.e., abusive
homes, neglected children, children of alcoholics,
children freed from human trafficking situations,
etc.). We also feel called to connect and share the
love of Jesus with the families of these children in
holistic ministries and to serve as an outreach to
the community through medicine. We are passionate
about sharing Christ and meeting people where they
are, even if that is amid tragedy and hurt. We want
to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of
The Kims in Asia
"In partnership with the Taiwanese Evangelical Covenant Church, our roles are to work together to strengthen and support the local churches' ministries. In collaboration with the local churches, we hope we can further evangelism and missions to the unreached people in Taiwan and, if possible, other countries."
The wickstroms in congo
"My calling as a liaison between the Covenant
churches in North America and Congo is to
reinforce the relationship between those Covenant
communities by representing the church in Congo
while in North America and the church in North
America while in Congo. In the US, my time is
spent facilitating travel, visiting churches, and
advising both American and Congolese churches.
In Congo, I spend time listening and being
present throughout the CEUM territory and I walk
alongside church leaders as they navigate changing
relationships with the North American church."
churches in North America and Congo is to
reinforce the relationship between those Covenant
communities by representing the church in Congo
while in North America and the church in North
America while in Congo. In the US, my time is
spent facilitating travel, visiting churches, and
advising both American and Congolese churches.
In Congo, I spend time listening and being
present throughout the CEUM territory and I walk
alongside church leaders as they navigate changing
relationships with the North American church."
The Pauls in Haiti
"God continues to bless the people of La Victoire,
Haiti. We have grown so much in these past
couple years. Our healthcare clinic is now self-sustaining, and we are blessed to have a full
medical staff! Our agriculture projects have
created jobs and living wages for those who are in
great need. The high school and elementary school
are together this year. We were able to construct
the second floor of our elementary school thanks
to generous donors! We don’t need to rent a space
to gather our high-school students anymore! Our
church receives new believers every Sunday. God
is transforming lives through his Word. Plans to
open a second church is in the works."
Haiti. We have grown so much in these past
couple years. Our healthcare clinic is now self-sustaining, and we are blessed to have a full
medical staff! Our agriculture projects have
created jobs and living wages for those who are in
great need. The high school and elementary school
are together this year. We were able to construct
the second floor of our elementary school thanks
to generous donors! We don’t need to rent a space
to gather our high-school students anymore! Our
church receives new believers every Sunday. God
is transforming lives through his Word. Plans to
open a second church is in the works."