Weekly Bulletin

order of service


Sunday, March 23rd, 2025
Songs Of Worship
In Jesus Name
I Exalt Thee/Awesome God
King Of Glory

Prayer Of The Congregation
Tithe and Offering

Scripture Reading: 
Jeremiah 17:14; John 5:1-16
Children's Sermon
Sermon:  Do You Want To Get Well?
Pastor Steve Hoffman
9:30 am Nursery - Reggie
11 am Nursery - Porschia & Reggie
Nursery Teen Helper - Addie
Children's Church - Kathy & Reagan
Christian Buddies - Amy & Mikell

Drums - Calvin
Guitar - Ed
Piano - Donna
Singers - Debbie, Diana, Kim, Nancy, Porter
Computer -Katrinka
Live Stream -Jason & George
Sound Booth - Mike
Greeters -Noreen & Penny R.
Offering Counter - Katrinka & Pat
Security -Gary J.
Scripture Reader - Suzy
Ushers - Art, Holly, Noreen, Bob


OFFERING: Starting in the month of April our ushers will no longer be passing the plates during service. Instead, there will be several fixed lock boxes that you may place your offering on your way in or out of the sanctuary. This will help us streamline our worship service and reduce the number of volunteers needed on Sunday mornings.

WOMENS MINISTRY: Going forward the CCC Women's Ministry will be hosting a fun event each quarter.  The purpose is to get to know each other better and to reach out to our family/friends who do not currently have a home church in a fun, non-threatening, relaxed atmosphere. Nancy Addler and Pat Bowling will be coordinating these events each event will be different and could include crafting, concerts, plays, sightseeing, etc. Events will not necessarily be at the same time or same day of the week.  We are currently looking for a name for our event/group and are open to suggestions for the name and for events you would like to see included.  We will continue to have our monthly Ladies' Lunch.

ANNOUNCEMENTS & FOCUS: Please submit all announcements and items for the focus to Nicole by the end of day Monday.

DIAPER & WIPES COLLECTION: Please bring in donations of diapers (sizes 1 to 5) and baby wipes for the Community Baby Shower held on Mother's Day at City of Promise Church in Fairfield. We will collect these items until Sunday, April 27. Contact Katrinka Stone if you have questions.

CONGREGATIONAL CARE: Please keep in mind if you are in need of help in the way of meals, transportation, errands, visiting, the church has a team of Congregational Care volunteers who will be glad to help you out.  Please do not hesitate to contact Susan Zaffiro, the coordinator of this ministry, or Donna Welker if you find yourself needing some assistance.


LADIES LUNCH: The next lunch will be at The Coach House on Washington Blvd. in Berkeley Square on 4/12 at 1pm. Sign-up in the Welcome Center.

GOOD FRIDAY:  Our Good Friday service will be on April 18th at 7pm.

PALM SUNDAY:  Palm Sunday service will be April 13th at 11am.

EASTER BREAKFAST & SERVICE: Sign-up in the Welcome Center for Easter breakfast at 9:30am prepared by the CCC Men. Easter service will follow at 11am.


Group Messaging

birthdays & anniveraries

1st -Mike
3rd - Caleb & Karina Paul
4th - Porter
5th - Simeon Delp
7th - Kim
13th - Faustina
15th -Reggie
19th -Jim F.
24th -Peter Kim
28th -Marlene & Donna W.