Weekly Bulletin

order of service


Sunday, January 19th, 2024
Songs Of Worship
I Speak Jesus
Holy Forever
Prayer Of The Congregation
Tithe and Offering

Scripture Reading: Psalm 34:18, Matthew 5:4
Amazing Grace
Children's Sermon
Sermon: Those Who Mourn
Pastor Steve Hoffman
On Eagles Wings
9:30 am Nursery - Reggie
11 am Nursery - Susan & Reggie
Nursery Teen Helper - Addie
Children's Church - Charlette,

Drums - Calvin
Piano - Donna
Singers - Kim, Heather, Charlette, Debbie
Computer - Erin
Live Stream -  Chris, George
Sound Booth - Suzy
Greeters - Pat, Noreen, Penny R.
Offering Counter - Erin & Katrinka
Ushers - Gary & Holly John, Gary M, Donna C.
Security - Ric
Scripture Reader - Charlie


CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS: We will be taking down the Christmas decorations after service on 1/26. Please plan to stay after if you are able to lend a hand.

VALENTINE CARD COLLECTION: We are collecting packages of kid's Valentine cards (at least  26 cards in a set)  for elementary students in Fairfield. These packages will help low-income students participate in their school's Valentine exchange. We will collect donations until Sunday, February 2nd. Place the donations on the large table  by the steps in the church lobby. Contact Katrinka if you have any questions.


WORSHIP MINISTRY LUNCH: On February 2nd we will have a appreciation lunch in Fellowship Hall for those who serve in worship ministry and their families. Contact Evan if you would like to be apart of helping with the lunch.

CHILI/SOUP COOK OFF: Get out your cook books and save the date for our annual youth fundraiser on 2/16!

church merch

CHURCH MERCH:  Support the youth and buy a CCC shirt! Click the button below.


Group Messaging

birthdays & anniveraries

8th - Nehemiah Kim, Carissa Zaffiro
9th - Gloria Garrison
11th - Penny Rundlett
12th - Jen Randolph & Nick Randolph
15th - Fred Guthrie
16th - Paul & Susan Zaffiro
27th - Chris Edelenbos
31st - Kodjo Nouvi